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Starting our own travel company!

This is BIG news! Me and my friend Linda Åkerberg and my boss at Mountain Guide Travel, Andreas Bengtsson is starting a new travel company: Topo Travel

I have been doing photography tours since 2007 and I have always loved it but since I decided to become a mountain leader the next step was of course to create our own travel company. So the last 6 months we have been working on everything around this business. Find a name, create a website, make budgets, get our travel guarantee, insurance, all the paper work, create travels and experiences. The list is long but now it´s finally here.

The trips will be adventures & photography tours. And we aim to create most of the tours where you can reach the destination by train. The few trips we will do where that is not possible we will make sure to do as good as we can (for example climbing a mountain we will have extra many days on the location to make sure we can get a honest chance for the summit and not have to go back again the next year). Most of the trips I do will be one shots, I will do them once. Maybe I will do some trips once again five years later but it will not be a yearly thing so if you want to go you should not miss your chance.

Another important thing is that if we do classic destinations we will do our trips with our own take. It will not be the usual setup that others do.

I´m so looking forward to this. We just launched and I´m very excited to work more with this over the years!

Background photo by Linda Åkerberg

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